
be supposed to 평소에 잘 쓰는법

아보다 2023. 12. 31. 01:41

영어에서 자주 쓰는 문구를 보면 be supposed to 가 나오는데, 항상 배우지만 평상시 쉽게 나오지 않는 거 같아요. 오늘은 이 be supposed to 에 대해서 확실히 정~ 붙혀볼게요!

be supposed to 평소에 잘 쓰는법
be supposed to 평소에 잘 쓰는법

be supposed to 평소에 잘 쓰는법

1.  예정되어 있는 것

Be supposed to vs. be going to

친구랑 만나기로 했어요: I am supposed to meet my friends.  (변동의 여지가 많음)

2. 예정된 날씨

It's supposed to rain today.

It's supposed to snow today.

It's supposed to be hot today.

It's supposed to be cold early next week.


3. 원래 ~하기로 되어있다는걸 가볍게 조언/경고할 때

You are not supposed to smoke in here.(원래 여기서 담배피면 안되자나)

I was supposed to hang out with my firends. 
I was supposed to study English, but I was too busy.

4. 답답하고 짜증날 때 쉽게 쓸 수 있는 의문문

Where am I supposed to go?

Where am I supposed to do?

What's that supposed to mean?(상대의 말/행동이 믿기지 않을 때) 그건 무슨 의미로 한 말/행동이야?

It's supposed to be hard.

If it wasn't hard.

Everyone would do it.

The hard is what makes it great.

#적용할 포인트

I am supposed to meet my friends this evening. 저녁에 친구를 만나기로 했는데, 잘 모르겠어.

It's supposed to be hot. 더울 것 같아

It's supposed to rain. 비가 올 것 같아

You are not supposed to be late. 너 원래 늦으면 안되자나

You are not supposed to smoke in here. 여기서 담배피면 안돼요

Where am I supposed to go? 어디로 가야해? 아 짜증나 내포

What's supposed to mean? 상대방 말이 이해가 안될 때

