Be supposed to 뉘앙스부터 활용법까지 총정리!


 영어회화의 가장 기본이 되는 Be supposed to, 뉘앙스와 활용법까지 알아 봅니다.

The hard is what makes it great. 감동적인 문구네요. 지난 make sure 강좌에 be supposed to 예문에 있었는데,  이렇게  정리를 해주시네요. 오늘도 정말 유용한 표현 강좌 감사드립니다.

Be supposed to 뉘앙스부터 활용법까지 총정리!
Be supposed to 뉘앙스부터 활용법까지 총정리!

Be supposed to 뉘앙스부터 활용법까지 총정리!

be supposed to :

am /are/is supposed to : (원래) ~ 하기로 되어 있어 / ~해야 


    1) 예정되어 있는 가까운 계획

    2) 날씨

    3) 규칙  관습


1: 예정되어 있는 가까운 계획 am/are/is supposed to.(*  그렇게 된다는 보장은 없음)

Collins 영영사전: If you say that something is supposed to happen, you mean that it is planned or expected. Sometimes this use suggests that the thing does not really happen in this way.


+) I'm supposed to meet Ralph downtown. Ralph 만나기로 했어요.


현재형 be supposed to VS be going to 다릅니다.

- be supposed to: 특정 행동을 하기로 약속했기에 실천해야  의무감은 들지만  지켜진다는 보장은 없음

- be going to: 내가 실천하고 싶다는 의지가 있고 실제 일어날 가능성이 높음.


주말에 뭐할거니?

친구 만나기로 했어요: I'm supposed to ~. I am supposed to meet my friends.

친구 만날 거예요: I'm going to ~. I am going to meet my friends.

2: 예정된 날씨에 be supposed to (하지만  그렇게  거란 보장은 없음)

    It's supposed to rain today. 오늘 비온다고 하더라.

    It's supposed to snow today. 오늘  온다고 하더라.

    It's supposed to rain tomorrow, right? 내일 비 온다며, 그치? 



    - snow rain '눈이/비가 오다' 이렇게 동사로   있어요.

        It's supposed to rain today. 오늘 비 온다고 하더라. 

        It's supposed to snow today. 오늘 눈 온다고 하더라. 

    - 나머지 다른 날씨는 be + 형용사

        It's supposed to be hot today. 오늘 덥다고 하더라. 

        It's supposed to be cold early next week. 다음주 초반에 춥다고 하더라.


3: 보통은 원래 ~하기로 되어있다는  리마인드 해주며 가볍게 조언/경고할  be supposed to

    Come on, Seul. You're not supposed to do that. 에이 슬아. 원래 그럼 안되는 거잖아.


    *should 개인적인 생각을 바탕으로  조언/충고라면

    be supposed to 원래 그럼 안된다는 느낌


    (You're) not supposed to smoke in here. 원래 여기서 담배피시면 안돼요

    I don't think you're supposed to do that. 원래 그러면 안되는  같은데


과거형의 표현으로 사용.

4: was/were supposed to (결국  일어난 ) ~하기로 되어 있었어 / ~하기로 했었어

-Collins 영영사전: If something was supposed to happen, it was planned or intended to happen, but did not in fact happen.

    What did you do yesterday?

    I was supposed to hang out with my friends, but I was too tired.

    원래 친구랑 놀기로 했는데 피곤해서 안만난 상황

    I was supposed to study English, but I was too busy.

    원래 영어 공부를 할려고 했으나 바빠서 못한 상황


    See, this was supposed to be easy and fun.

    원래는 쉽고 재미있어야 하지만 결국 그렇지 않음

    We were supposed to meet for lunch, but he did not show.

    같이 만나서 점심 먹기로 했는데 결국 상대가  


의문문 형태

5: 답답하고 짜증날  쉽게   있는 be supposed to 의문문 (~하기로 되어 있는거야? / ~해야 하는거야?)

    Where am I supposed to go? (원래) 어디로 가야 되는거야?

    *마음의 소리 :  도대체 어디로 가라는 거야?!


    What am I supposed to do? (원래) 내가  하기로 되어있는 거야? /  해야 되는 거야?

    *마음의 소리: , 나보고 도대체  어쩌라는 거야?


    What's that supposed to mean?

    (상대의 /행동이 믿기지 않을 ) 그건 무슨 의미로  /행동이야?

    *마음의 소리: 그게 무슨 뚱딴지야…


Be supposed to 들어간 quote(인용문) - 영화 '그들만의 리그'


It's supposed to be hard.

If it wasn't hard

Everyone would do it.

The hard is what makes it great. 어려운 것이 그것을 위대하게 만드는 것이다.


I am supposed to study English with (원래 계획)

I am going to study English with  (의지)
